Cost You Nothing
a Drama Short Film
Written and Directed by Patricia Kelly
Sticky Tape Productions and Mna Mna Films bring you an LGBT Drama short narrative film about how a mother's fractious relationship with her son disintegrates when she cannot accept the man he has become. Patricia Kelly is an up and coming writer/director who specializes in thought-provoking LGBT films that address relevant issues in society. Keep your eyes peeled:
Recently broadcast nationally on
Diane O'Connor Jack Murphy Patricia Kelly
Patricia Kelly, Mna Mna Films, Anna Czarska, Sticky Tape Productions, Jaro Waldeck Cost You Nothing Short Film Irish
Patricia Kelly, Mna Mna Films, Anna Czarska, Sticky Tape Productions, Diana O'Connor Cost You Nothing Short Film Irish
Patricia Kelly, Mna Mna Films, Anna Czarska, Sticky Tape Productions, Diana O'Connor Caroline Hill Jaro Waldeck Jack Murphy Jack O'Higgins James Van De Waal Eleanor Bell Cost You Nothing Short Film Irish
Patricia Kelly, Mna Mna Films, Anna Czarska, Sticky Tape Productions, Jaro Waldeck Cost You Nothing Short Film Irish